본문으로 바로가기
신청기간: 2024-08-10 ~ 2024-08-11
리그기간: 2024-08-13 ~ 2024-08-30
리그 종료
번호 1479543
2007-12-17 | 조회 265

It`s a new day, new day,

 and it`s evident
You must have been heaven-sent
Sometimes we should be hesitant, but I`m not at all
Just feelin more confident
Just using my common sense
Just trust in it, I`m lovin it

I can`t refuse an offer so benevolent
Can`t assume he`s gon` use me
And after he`ll never call again
Don`t be afraid, don`t be afraid
This is your day, this is your day


It`s time to be brave
Say I`m not afraid, not anymore
I used to be cold, now the temperature`s changed
It just ain`t the same
I`m not afraid, i`m not afraid
Cus I`ve become brave
As the light of day straight into a cave
To show me the way, that I might be saved
Now I`m turning the page
Thanks to the power of love I can love
Because I am brave

I am brave, I am brave

I heard him say this thing moving too fast for him
It`s a feelin I was straddeling
Foolishly adamant, but It`s all in his eyes
Really wish he would let me in
Cus the same way I`m scared of him
I`m scared of being hurt again

It`s time to let go, let go of your heart
It`s time for a brand new start
Never know, we might never part
Baby don`t be afraid, don`t be afraid
This is your day, this is your day


It`s time to be brave
Say I`m not afraid, not anymore
I used to be cold, now the temperature`s changed
It just ain`t the same
I`m not afraid, i`m not afraid
Cus I`ve become brave
As the light of day straight into a cave
To show me the way, that I might be saved
Now I`m turning the page
Thanks to the power of love I can love
Because I am brave

I wouldn`t take back anything that I`ve gone through (no)
I pray for strength for anything that I`m gonna do
Whether joy, or it`s pain, I`m still okay (I, I`m still okay)
I`m a be alright cause I`m not afraid
No, I am brave (brave)


It`s time to be brave
Say I`m not afraid, not anymore
I used to be cold, now the temperature`s changed
It just ain`t the same
I`m not afraid, i`m not afraid
Cus I`ve become brave
As the light of day straight into a cave
To show me the way, that I might be saved
Now I`m turning the page
Thanks to the power of love I can love
Because I am brave

I am brave

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게임 시작
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